Tue Dec 22nd my Friday at La Flégère

My first "secour" bymyself; a bandaid.

Running a call in French isn't as easy as you think, however today was the first time I handled the call all by myself. From initial guest contact to opening up my pharmacy and handing over a Band-Aid,  all in French. 

Near the very end of the day at Permanence on top of the index, a snowshoe guide reported us of a client with another guide stuck halfway down the trail. The patient was a 57-year-old male with a meniscus problem and could no longer walk.



We had no snowmobile access or for that matter could not have hiked a toboggan out there in a fashionable amount of time. Jean Baptiste quickly switched his radio to the PGHM frequency and called for the Helicopter. The yellow one, The "Dragon." This rescue was free for the injured party.

Unfortunately shit only hits the fan at the end of the day so we could not stick around to watch the winching operation, J-B had to hop on another knee down below and I got to cover clear.