Polyglotism or polyglottism is the ability to master, or the state of having mastered, multiple languages.
I love languages. As I'm currently taking baby steps learning French, it's number six, it just seems to get easier and easier. The most important thing though is to have fun in learning languages and to connect with people whom you'd otherwise be giving the blank stare. I have curated on this page a few links that help and inspire me.
This TED talk by Benny Lewis brilliantly summarizes that anyone can learn any language, as long as you are motivated. If you want to communicate you will learn the language.
I know that for many English might not be your favorite language out of antipathy for the USA, or other chauvinistic reasons. But let this TED talk make it very clear, your ideological reasons for not learning English may just leave you in the dust.
Just when you think languages is just between people, be amazed by this example of cross species language.