
Had ik dit maar op de Prins Clausschool gehad… Niet te geloven bijna mijn hele voortgezet onderwijs wiskunde op 1 pagina. Dit is een verzameling playlists (de volgende les begint aan het einde van de vorige) dat ik cureer en geregeld raadpleeg.



Essence of linear algebra

Chapter 1: Vectors, what even are they?

Chapter 2: Linear combinations, span, and basis vectors

Chapter 3: Linear transformations and matrices

Chapter 4: Matrix multiplication as composition

Chapter 5: Three-dimensional linear transformations

Chapter 6: The determinant

Chapter 7: Inverse matrices, column space and null space

Chapter 8: Nonsquare matrices as transformations between dimensions

Chapter 9: Dot products and duality

Chapter 10: Cross products

Chapter 11: Cross products in the light of linear transformations

Chapter 12: Cramer’s rule, explained geometrically

Chapter 13: Change of basis

Chapter 14: Eigenvectors and eigenvalues

Chapter 15: Abstract vector spaces

Essence of calculus

Differential equations

Lockdown math

Neural networks
