The state department travels in a black tinted window escalade with the security detail, citizen diplomat travels in a VW van with the baby in front.
Gallery part two
Yesterday was the first time we got to go out on uncle Gabor’s boat. We had some amazing friends and even more amazing scenery on a beautiful fall day at twin Lakes. And even more fun when friends add photos:
All flights cancelled
Needless to say it has been the best four months of Rachel and Danno’s lives. Blessed with the smile of this bundle of love, the nugget of happiness, we will include a few snapshots
Yay today was a good day!
Tja als je de factuur voor juli schrijft Dan weetje dat je al goed halverwege de zomer bent. In de tweede week van augustus kan je op de berg boven 10.000 voet, de eerste blaadjes als zien verkleuren. De aller, aller eerste tekenen van herfst en binnen een week daalt het […]
Capturing the experience is done midair! Up high, this is where the Danno your pilot can photograph the experience. Just 10 Euros!! And if you tip right, they’re free!!! Click on the “Book your Adventure” in the main menu to buy your inflight paragliding photos or Click here to go to the Adventure […]
Sleep deprived and on a shoestring budget, recorded in just 3 takes. I am soo happy to launch the first episode of the “Under the bus show” A citizen advocacy show for assertiveness and emancipation against con artists!
Bonne fête des mères, Bom dia das Mães, Feliz día de la Madre Not quite sure which language to blog in but “fijne Moederdag” in het Nederlands, maar ook in het Engels aan die moeder van onze dochter, lieverd ik wens je een HAPPY MOTHERS DAY, I love you and Zora […]
Aan de vooravond -in de meest letterlijke zin- van het vaderschap de hoogste tijd om even een berichtje te schrijven. Even kijken of ik het nog kan in het Nederlands. Het is ongetwijfeld het aanstaande vaderschap dat me doet denken aan lang vergane tijden waar ik exclusief nog in het […]
Harlow wants to go fast
= HomeworkCURIOSITYNeugier (auch Neugierde) ist das als ein Reiz auftretende Verlangen, Neues zu erfahren und insbesondere Verborgenes kennenzulernen.FAKE NEWS = FALSCHMELDUNG German Question Wordswhowervehrwhom (acc.)wenvainwhatwasvahswhom (dat.)wemvaimwhywarumvah-roomhow comewiesovee-zowhenwannvahnwhere fromwohervo-hairwherewovohwhere towohinvo-hinhowwieveewhichwelche/-r/-svelsh-uh/er/es kennen – to know peoplewissen – to know factsich kenneken-nuhwir kennenken-nunich weißvisewir wissenvih-sundu kennstkenstihr kenntkentdu weißtvistihr wisstvihster/sie/es kenntkentsie/Sie kennenken-nuner/sie/es weißvisesie/Sie wissenvih-sun andundoontbutaberah-berverysehrzairoroderoh-derherehierherealsoauchowkhbothbeideby-duhsomeetwaseht-vahssonlynurnooragainwiedervee-derhopefullyhoffentlichhoh-fent-likhbetweenzwischenzvish-enthereforedeshalbdes-halpa lot, manyviel(e)feel(uh)reallywirklichveerk-lishtogetherzusammentsoo-zah-menallalleahl-luhnowjetztyetstsoalsoal-zohanothernoch einnohkh inealreadyschonshoneisn’t […]
This is my first time ever teaching, first time teaching a German culture and language class. First time teaching middle school, first time ever in an American school here in Aspen. I was born in the Netherlands to a Dutch mother and an Indonesian father and moved to Germany in […]
“Shut it” And “go home.” Two syllable words, two word sentences. If I disappointed you as a friend, I’m sorry, heartfelt sorry. If I didn’t care about our friendship my reply would be a two sentence comment with punctuation. But I do care about our friendship. So I’ve devoted this blog to you.But coming back […]
HCinc. $4000 con-job.In the last blog for the accounting (mis) practices of our HOA on utilities, I kinda took blame. This time however I can no longer take it anymore, this is probably though biggest $4000 con-job in Aspen’s property management scene -that I know of at least: The Hunter […]
A blog versus email because of its transparency, it levels the playing field. It encourages me to be more factual and gives anyone the opportunity to respond and call me out on wrongs. Quite often I hear stories about the disarray at employee housing HOA’s here in Aspen. I would […]
It’s been so long, a year and a half to be exact since the last time. Today we were in the ship’s prow glades and the Upper ladder.The steep north facing pockets skiers right of, as well as the upper ladder itself all slid on October facets upon approach or […]
Today we went looking for a Christmas tree with Sylvie, Laia, Louise and Melissa.
A Greek Travel, Paragliding party!GreeceNow I know after glider man 3 it’s going to be hard to top that amazing flight over cinque terre. However Greece had something to say too! Deep I bow in respect for the Greek people: ευχαριστώ, efcharisto, thank you or showing us a fantabulous time in […]
Personally I think this is my favorite Gliderman ever. In this episode we start where we left off in the last: flying that JoHansen family in Annecy. I get to fly with the young Jonas one of my favorite passengers ever. We say our goodbyes and make ourselves on our […]
This is a short video I made about my Ski Patrol Exchange. Here is a link to the Chamonix Skiing Co Many times there is need for a helicopter, so… That’s what we do also. Oh many times I feel homesick for that little nook of the Alps.
Rachel heeft een verjaardag feestje. Iedere 2 februarie is het weer raak, Rachel is jarig en dan probeer ik haar dan wat te verrassen. Vanuit Chamonix is het makkelijk om door de tunnel effe naar Italie te gaan. Nou zeg ik je eerlijk dat ik het me erg op mijn […]
In French the word “Pisteur Secouriste” is not justly translated into “Ski Patrol” The Pisteur is he or she who sets out a trail in mainly above tree-line terrain.Also demonstrated the proper application of the winch cable of a snowcat. EnjoyDirected and written by the maker of “quarenta”.
Ok, let’s get pumped for the season! Dispatch ski patrol exchange… La Flegere, Chamonix. Opening up in a series of three, plus the directors cut!!! Christmas came early with the five parallel episodes: Gliderman and Gliderwoman. Enjoy the next couple of days.Loosely scripted, no budget to speak of or stunt doubles […]
We had a little time before work got too crazy but also as the season progressed, European labor laws protect against the race to the bottom. We traveled to the south of France and shared some Travel, Paragliding and Friendship with our friends Martin and Coralie Johansen and their family. Enjoy some impressions of […]