
227 posts

Paragliding photos

Capturing the experience is done midair! Up high, this is where the Danno your pilot can photograph the experience. Just 10 Euros!! And if you tip right, they’re free!!! Click on the “Book your Adventure” in the main menu to buy your inflight paragliding photos or Click here to go to the Adventure […]

Brötchen, Danno’s Germany pt 2

= HomeworkCURIOSITYNeugier (auch Neugierde) ist das als ein Reiz auftretende Verlangen, Neues zu erfahren und insbesondere Verborgenes kennenzulernen.FAKE NEWS = FALSCHMELDUNG German Question Wordswhowervehrwhom (acc.)wenvainwhatwasvahswhom (dat.)wemvaimwhywarumvah-roomhow comewiesovee-zowhenwannvahnwhere fromwohervo-hairwherewovohwhere towohinvo-hinhowwieveewhichwelche/-r/-svelsh-uh/er/es   kennen – to know peoplewissen – to know factsich kenneken-nuhwir kennenken-nunich weißvisewir wissenvih-sundu kennstkenstihr kenntkentdu weißtvistihr wisstvihster/sie/es kenntkentsie/Sie kennenken-nuner/sie/es weißvisesie/Sie wissenvih-sun andundoontbutaberah-berverysehrzairoroderoh-derherehierherealsoauchowkhbothbeideby-duhsomeetwaseht-vahssonlynurnooragainwiedervee-derhopefullyhoffentlichhoh-fent-likhbetweenzwischenzvish-enthereforedeshalbdes-halpa lot, manyviel(e)feel(uh)reallywirklichveerk-lishtogetherzusammentsoo-zah-menallalleahl-luhnowjetztyetstsoalsoal-zohanothernoch einnohkh inealreadyschonshoneisn’t […]

Danno’s Germany

This is my first time ever teaching, first time teaching a German culture and language class. First time teaching middle school, first time ever in an American school here in Aspen. I was born in the Netherlands to a Dutch mother and an Indonesian father and moved to Germany in […]

One Storm – Chamonix Ski Patrol Exchange

Ok, let’s get pumped for the season! Dispatch ski patrol exchange… La Flegere, Chamonix. Opening up in a series of three, plus the directors cut!!! Christmas came early with the five parallel episodes: Gliderman and Gliderwoman. Enjoy the next couple of days.Loosely scripted, no budget to speak of or stunt doubles […]