Dec 28th T-ride visits

Today we had Karl from T-ride/ Tignes visit. I had taken two personal days and we were finally able to fly there Brevent

Sorry to some of the more loyal followers of the blog... Sometimes I'm in the middle of posting and uploading media, and life comes along: so you may find an unfinished article published...

The whole WordPress-blog-iOS-totally Mobile-Cloud, no SD access thing, add slow wi-fi has kept me on my toes. But I think it's working. Just keep checking in. I hope to keep it growing.

I appreciate feedback so feel free: comment or email me. I would love to hear from you.

Believe it or not we have been busy with work, establishing i.e bank acount, work physical, phone setup, take the van to the shop  in Cluses, plus "beacoup d'autre affaire's." We then had a sick day or two coinciding with days off and then of course  there were the social engagements.

Check out the gaper driving... Veste open, Rayray driving.