Jan 2nd – Enfin

Fashionably late. Winter arrives! Au contraire what one may think, Rachel and I have not minded the late arrival of snow. We have had such a dynamic past 3 years, a little "bon vivant" has been a welcome tempo change. For it, the drought, I have gotten to know my co-workers better that otherwise would have been not possible.


With all the cool stuff that's going on, the people whom I get to work with are by far my favorite experience.

I speak some French, I answer most questions about lift and piste openings and closures. It feels great to have discovered yet another key to all the people of francophone world.


Timothe never has a bad day, my kinda guy.

Yes Dave F, it doesn't go without a thank you for keeping me motivated on the blog. It's like learning another language or learning to play an instrument, but rewarding once you connect the two chords. However foremost: a great way to kick the facebox, I'm close to checking out.

Well storm #3 dropped 30cm and the next 3 cycles are lined up... Vacation is over.
